Monday, September 28, 2015

SEW 2015

Currently: watching Step Up! #roomietime 

     Every September, Bingham middle and high school students have a week to focus on their spiritual walk. With a week of daily chapels, the students hear from a special speaker and ponder questions of spirituality and life. This year, we had two favorites of the Bingham community, our principal and vice principal from last year, Tommy Farrell and Alyssa Harrison.
     Tommy spoke to our high schoolers about Jesus’ “I AM” statements in John and challenged them to look at their life and truly consider Jesus and what he says. Alyssa shared God’s promises and encouraged our middle schoolers to stand (literally and figuratively) stand on what God has promised to them.

     The end of the week culminated in a night of games, worship, and a time for the students to share. The best moments were hearing some of our students encouraging one another to own their faith, no matter what their friends might think. Please keep these students in your prayers that they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do just that.