Saturday, October 5, 2013

Oh chicken, I missed you.

Currently packing: for a week-long trip to Mekelle for Bingham's Activities Week! 

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Let me tell you what my heart is fond of right at this moment: chicken.

For the last three months, there has been a shortage of chicken in the country. Not of eggs, but I guess they were pulling them all too early? I am definitely not a connoisseur of poultry, so I will leave the reasons to the experts.
But for these long months, our community has been lamenting the lack of white meat. It wasn’t in the stores, it wasn’t in the restaurants- unless you wanted to spend the big bucks … or birr, it just wasn’t a possibility. We dreamed of Chik-Fil-a and other deliciousness, but of course could not talk about it for fear of drawing the ire of those around us. Oh chicken, we missed you.

Folks, I am here to tell you all some very exciting news: chicken is back!!!!! My roomie and I found some on our weekly grocery shopping trip and it instantly brightened this grey rainy day. Our trip home may have had multiple excited exclamations about having chicken for dinner. And now it’s delightful aromas are wafting through the house and making my mouth water.

What’s for dinner, you ask?? CHICKEN!!!