Monday, June 27, 2016

Finishing up

Currently: enjoying the fast internet in this country :) 

            After a few jam-packed weeks filled with tearful farewells, cheerful parties, and sometimes a mix of the two, I finished out the end of the year at Bingham Academy. The last four years have been such a life-changing experience- as a teacher, in my walk with Christ, as a person; if you would like to read a bit more about this process of saying goodbye, check out my last blog post.
            I am now back in sunny PA, enjoying a bit of the warm sunshine and time with family and friends. I returned on June 12 and since then, I have bought a wedding dress, celebrated my cousin’s wedding in VA Beach, and debriefed my last four years at SIM headquarters in Charlotte. This seems to be a small snapshot of the rest of my summer as I am working on wedding details and wrapping up my time with SIM.
Bingham Academy 2016 Graduates
            As I reflect over the last four years and anticipate seeing so many wonderful people this summer, my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude. First, I praise God for the opportunities he has blessed me with, the relationships I have been in, and most importantly, the people who have supported me throughout this experience. Thank you to each and every one of you who have thought of me, prayed for my ministry, and made it financially possible for me to live and work in Ethiopia for the last four years. I cannot say enough to encompass the joy and gratitude I have because of you but I thank God for your contribution to my ministry and to my life in this season. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.   

Andrew and I in our fancy clothes for graduation :) 

            After my June meeting in Charlotte, my time with SIM has officially come to an end. I have been so blessed and taken care of in this partnership and like to think that it is a “see you later” rather than a goodbye to this great organization. After our wedding in October, Andrew and I will be heading back to Addis for the next six months or so. Before I left Ethiopia, I accepted a job to teach English to adults at Bridge school. This school is dual purpose as they teach English, but also have a number of social events that provide a “bridge” to chances to share the gospel with the students. While very different from the teenagers I have taught for the last few years, I am excited to try something new in teaching the basics of the language to adults, while also having a kingdom purpose to my work.
            I do covet your continued prayers over the next number of months as I begin this new ministry opportunity in December, but especially for the new excitement and challenges that await Andrew and I in our first year of marriage. Thank you for your kindness and care over these months ahead.