Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Steady Rock.

Need: to go pack. First road trip of the summer: VA Beach!

As I begin to move through the steps of this process (like writing my first prayer letter... yikes), it's hard to not get overwhelmed at times. It seems like there is just so much to do and accomplish in such a short amount of time- not to mention the myriad of decisions that seem to come my way.
This is not to say that I am not ecstatic to be going- believe I am. This is my dream job and I'm getting to do it right out of college?! How much more excited can I be?! But the fear that seems to creep in at times does have a way of tempering that excitement.
But it's in moments like these that I am reminded of God and his faithfulness. He's not scared by the to-do lists, the decisions, or the reality that I am soon leaving to move halfway around the world by myself. He's the steady rock, unchanging even as the winds of life begin to blow. And that is why I can just keep going (thank you Lord... and Dory).

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