Currently: having dinner at the Golf Club because our internet at Bingham is still out. Silly rats that chew through our wires!
One aspect of moving back to Ethiopia that excited me was renewing and rebuilding relationships with people of my past. One particular person that I was overjoyed to see was Mekedes, my Ethiopian grandmother.
Within the first month of returning, I learned that Mekedes had fallen ill and was no longer working at Bingham. Soon after that, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Living in a country that doesn't have medicine to treat it, even if it could be afforded, makes this a death sentence. Sadly, this last weekend, Mekedes passed away, after months of enduring a painful end.
However, its the legacy that Mekedes left behind that we will remember. Mekedes dedicated 42 years of service to Bingham Academy. She spent 42 years serving missionaries by taking care of their kids through her cooking, cleaning, and loving. Her smile, hugs, and the delicious aromas from the kitchen created a fond place in our memories and our hearts for hundred of students who went through the Boarding Program at Bingham.
With our family, she became like another grandmother, teaching many cultural lessons to my mom, caring for my brother and I, making fabulous food for us all the time, dealing with the mess left behind by a family of twelve. She even became a part of our extended family, as our grandparents fell in love with her during their visits. My brief visit in 2008 was not complete till I saw Mekedes in the boarding home and squeezed her tight, sharing the love from my family and receiving it back all at once. We all loved Mekedes and the wonderful influence she had on our lives.
Though I missed out on having more time with Mekedes now, I pray that I might one day sit with her, smell the delicious food she is making, talk and laugh together, and get just one more of her loving hugs.
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