Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spreading of Christmas Joy

               Since this is my first Christmas away from my family, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Homesickness, a sadness at missing out on family traditions, a sense of separation beyond the physical ocean that exists- and while there have been moments of each of these, God has truly blessed me with a pseudo-family within the Bingham family. New traditions, lots of celebrations, and a special focus on the birth of Christ have rounded out my Christmas experience.

               Last week, one of the teacher families here at Bingham invited all of the single teachers over for a meal and a Christmas celebration. We fellowshipped and enjoyed the time together, while beginning new traditions: sharing where each of us was born, reading the Christmas story in parts, having a birthday cake for Jesus, and singing carols accompanied by a guitar and a harp. But my favorite part was listening to our voices join; hearing the sweet sound of the youngest daughter, seeing the earnest praise of another daughter, also one of my students, and spending that time as a family singing and worshipping God together.

               Last Sunday night, our Bingham community joined together- all of the teachers and their families to celebrate Christmas together. Again, we fellowshipped and enjoyed the sweet and savory goodies provided by all. With about 62 in attendance, the kids exchanged Secret Santa gifts, while the adults had a White Elephant gift exchange. (I ended up with a decent gift- small bottles of shampoo and body wash that you would get at a hotel- so I was satisfied.) The kids acted out different elements of Christmas for the group to guess: wrapping presents, building a snowman, Mommy kissing Santa Claus. We concluded the night singing Christmas carols and enjoying the time with one another. Again, a time spent with my new family in celebrating the holiday.

               I feel so blessed to have the privilege to be a part of this new family that God has provided; giving and receiving the joy of the season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. I pray that you may also enjoy this happy time with family and friends and remember the true reason for the season. Merry Christmas!

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