Saturday, July 28, 2012

Advice from the Wise... and a game of Twister.

Currently watching: the OLYMPICS!! (love this time every four years!) 

Just finished up my two week orientation in Charlotte, NC and  truly enjoyed it! On one hand, SIMGo (because SIM is sending us to go :)  is full of information, policies, and RDM strategy and I hope to remember and use these things that I've learned. On the other hand, and more importantly, SIMGo was full of people... not only the people that are also being sent to many parts of the world to respond to need, proclaim the gospel, and equip the church, but it was full of wise and seasoned missionaries teaching, praying, and equipping us as we seek to serve our God.

Tuesday night showcased this vital relationship as we had ladies' night out :) A mixed group of single and married women, at various stages of life, went to a missionary's home (who works in the home office of SIM USA after many years on different mission fields) and had some fruit, fun, and lovely fellowship. All the women shared stories: how they fell in love with their husbands, first experiences on the mission field, and other special tidbits.

The best part of this evening: the advice the veteran missionaries passed on to us. After we had heard about all of the joys and the hardships on the field, Ruth, in her voice of experience, told us to: above all, seek the Lord. What a powerful message to send us off into all parts of the world. 

Thank you to these women and the wonderful home staff at SIM USA who cared, prayed, and equipped us to take the love of Jesus all across the globe! 


Oh, and did I mention that we also played Twister? There's nothing like getting sat on multiple times to really bond people :) 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Weekend at the Beach

Currently reading: Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry

Finishing up the first week of SIMGo brought a much-needed break. Not to say that it hasn't been a great time here- it has! But having some time to process everything is definitely a necessary part of the experience and I had the privilege to do so at the beach :)

Through a mutual connection, I was invited to come hang out at the beach with one of my future Bingham colleagues~ more specifically, my fellow English teacher, Alyssa! She was so gracious to invite me to be a part of her family vacation, which meant I not only met her kind husband and sweet boys, but a caring Nana, Aunt, Uncle and cousins too! It was so nice to have the chance to talk about Bingham and what it looks like now, the changes in Addis that have occurred in the past number of years, the experience of TCKs on and off the mission field- not to mention, finding some time to relax as well. 

Holden Beach, NC

We fought the wind and  the waves at the beach, stuffed our faces with Mexican food for lunch, and attempted to eat our ice cream in spite of the fierce wind. The boys and I wanted to have our ice cream on the porch of the quaint ocean-front store. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing so hard that it proceeded to melt the ice cream all over our arms and faces. Thus, though the view wasn't nearly the same, we enjoyed the ice cream much better inside the store. 
I spent some time hearing about Bingham from current fourth and eighth graders, heard some family stories from their loving Nana, talked curriculum and support raising- we almost covered every topic! The best parts were hearing the earnest bedtime prayers, worshipping together by song and thanksgiving, and enjoying the new friendships formed. 

 I was so blessed by this family and their hospitality and grateful to them for taking me in! I am so looking forward to serving in Ethiopia together :)

Monday, July 16, 2012


Currently reading: The Giver  (...still reading middle school lit)

This past weekend was rather full: a trip to (Friday) and from Massachusetts (Saturday) for the beautiful wedding of my friends, Evan and Kathryn, and then driving down to Charlotte, North Carolina (Sunday) for SIMGo... needless to say, I was pretty grateful to get out of the car.

But now I'm here and have hit the road running! As one of my fellow SIMGo-ers described it today at dinner, it's a bit like trying to drink from a fire hydrant with lots of information coming our way. Plus, I get to kick things off with being the first one to give my testimony tomorrow... oh boy. But my roommates were gracious enough to listen to it and give some positive feedback, so hoping it goes well!

Speaking of my roommates, I have been blessed to be rooming with future Bingham teachers! We're all in the middle of a pretty similar journey right now: just graduated college in May, raising our support this summer, and hoping to be at Bingham in the next couple weeks! It's been a great chance to chat with people who are in the same boat and feeling the same stress and excitement!

Future Kindergarten, English, and French teachers at Bingham Academy!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sing Praises!

Currently: packing (again). Massachusetts for a wedding then on to Charlotte for SIMGo!

Clap your hands all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!

I have been saying to various people these last couple weeks that "it's never a good idea to raise your support in six weeks." It seems to put everything under a pressure cooker- me, the people I have been talking to, God. And who am I to put a time limit on God?!
But then He shows up and I am amazed again by his faithfulness! I am so excited to announce that through the power of God and the obedience of his people, my first goal has been met! The amount for one-time support has been surpassed over and above.

Thank you so much to all of you that have given! Thank you for joining with this ministry and blessing it in such a significant way! And most of all, thanks to the Lord most High for furthering your kingdom on earth.

God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the Lord amid the sounding of trumpets. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises!                     Psalm 47: 1-2, 5-6

The work is not complete! I still need to meet my monthly goal and it's only at 25% at this point. Please pray  for those who God is calling to join in this ministry!

Monday, July 9, 2012

On a Seesaw

Currently reading: Holes (woot for preparing to teach Middle School English!!) 

limbo: an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place

On one hand, I would love to get on a plane tomorrow (well... I haven't said all my goodbyes yet, so let's say next week instead). I'm excited to get there and get started! Figure out what I should be teaching this next year, how to teach it, meet my future colleagues, and begin to acclimate myself (back) to Ethiopia.

On the other hand, there's this niggling doubt in the back of my mind that says "Hold on! The money isn't in yet. You don't have a ticket in hand. You may not be there by the first week of August!" And these things are all true. 

I feel like I'm on a seesaw: anticipation on one side but reality on the other. I find myself trying to balance between the two as the future seems so close and yet just out of reach.

When I think of seesaws, I immediately picture the ones at MHC  with the metal  bar connecting them, paint peeling,... this was the closest I could find. 

But then I stop and realize: 
1. I hate seesaws. Even as a child, I didn't like them because I was always anticipating that horrid cherry bomb- just waiting for the other person to jump off and let me hit the ground super hard.
2. I'm not doing this alone.

I don't have to balance it all on my own. I don't have to worry about a cherry bomb coming. Because God is holding me in his hand. He won't let me hit the ground because he has promised me He will never leave me or forsake me.

And then he reminds me "Do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear, [or who will send money in to support you]... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? ...But seek his kingdom and these things [food, clothes] will be given to you as well. " (Luke 12: 22, 25-26, 31)

Thanks, Lord. You take care of it and I'll be here seeking Your kingdom! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Learning from my Grandparents

Currently: enjoying figuring out all the fun stuff on my new computer!!

Hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July! I had a wonderful time in South Jersey experiencing good ol' small town USA with a parade in the morning and a family reunion/cookout in the afternoon. There's not too many places that you can experience fire trucks, VBS floats, Boy Scouts, and Elvis all in one place, but the Woodstown parade was definitely up to par.

This delightful toasty day concluded a fabulous couple of days of hanging out in South Jersey with my grandparents! Not only did I get to tell various people about my upcoming ministry in Ethiopia, but I also got to go on a shopping trip with Grandmom, aunts, and cousins, go to a church dinner, meet my grandparents' classmates from high school, and enjoy multiple lovely meals and conversations on the deck under the shady trees. Overall, it was a great time experiencing some of my roots in a way I never have had before.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to hang out with both sets of grandparents within a month and it has been so interesting to not only hear some stories of the past but also to see how their lives impact mine every day. Whether its through the character traits passed on or the prayers with which they cover me, I am blessed to come from a strong Godly heritage and I can only pray that I carry the torch  for future generations.

Thank you to both sets of grandparents for hosting me and teaching me so much about myself, my family, and the God whom we all serve.

Support Update
One-time: 92%
Monthly: 14%

Praise the Lord!!